Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A little news as the evening progresses

On a day when so much happened, it appears something really big did, too.

It snowed, it rained, it sleeted. Power went out; bomb threats came in. Lawsuits kept polls open in some counties because ballots ran short and lines ran long. Sadly, CNN projected a winner in Ohio before the polls even closed.

Yes, my patience is wearing thin as we remain in the thick of the wait for results in Ohio and Texas, the two big prizes on this suddenly "Super Tuesday."

But, at least there's some news to report this early in the evening: The Associated Press and Politico.com declared that John McCain has clinched the Republican nomination for president. And former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has announced he will cease his campaign.

Not the biggest news of the night, but I'll take it. At least we have a headline for Wednesday's paper.

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