Thursday, March 6, 2008

A throwback — unintentionally

Those who picked up our Sports section in today's edition no doubt noticed it was a little less colorful than normal. No, your eyes were not playing tricks on you, nor were you suddenly transported back to 1980.

A complicated series of events, the details of which I'll spare you, found their way to happening all in a row late Wednesday night, culminating in a mostly black-and-white Sports front cover.

Yes, the advertisements appeared in color, and, if you look really closely, so too did our tiny, little logo.

We're a little chagrined, needless to say. But, as with every mistake that occurs, we've learned a valuable lesson that should prevent such a shocker from rearing its ugly, colorless head again.

Just when I thought it was safe to put away my box of Crayolas...

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