Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A little service, please?

You've gotta feel for Lake County Elections Board Director Janet M. Clair.

I'm not sure how to describe her — whirlwind, wunderkind, whiz all come to mind.

Tonight, I feel badly for her, because she and her staff are feverishly working to complete counting votes from Lake County voters, and just as feverishly posting them to the agency's Web site, but apparently very few people are able to see them.

It's been described as a server problem, but I'm not sure if that's the true reason for the trouble. — it could be weather or just plain slow-speed connections.

But poor Clair's stuck working with brand new equipment, once again, while, once again, more up-to-date machines sit and collect dust in a storage room.

We feel for you, and understand that you're doing all you can do — which just happens to be running the best darn elections board in Ohio.

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